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Download contact profile


Contact profiles can be downloaded from the system in the UI or using our REST API. A contact profile includes all data associated with that contact:

Download contact profile in the UI

1. Navigate to Contacts > Search Contacts.

2. Search for desired contacts by selecting audience rules. To search for an individual contact, use the Channel Address rule.

3. Once you have a search result, look under the Actions menu and choose View contact results.

4. Select a contact whose profile you wish to download and click the Download Full Profile button in the toolbar. You can also hover over the arrow next to the desired contact and choose Download Full Profile.

6. Click Yes, Continue when prompted.

7. The Jobs page will open with your download request listed as the first entry.

Depending on the file size and number of concurrently requested jobs, the job status may be Pending or Processing. Refresh the jobs page to view the latest status update. When the job status changes to Done, hover the arrow next to the job ID and download the file locally.

Download contact profile via the API

You can download the profile for a single contact with the POST<path>/contacts/{primary_key}/downloadprofile method.



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