Podium Orchestration components can be selected using the shift + click keyboard/mouse combination and then copied, pasted, or deleted using the menu that appears on mouse right click.
Using this feature, you can quickly create complex Orchestrations with your existing components serving as pre-built templates.
Additional features | Notable exceptions |
Our example
This example demonstrates how to select components and use the contextual menu to copy and paste your selection.
1. Press and hold Shift. Components you can select will be highlighted with a blue border.
2. Select the components you want to copy or delete.
3. Right click anywhere within the Orchestration to invoke the contextual menu with options to Copy, Delete, or Cancel the selection.
4. Select Copy component(s) and then move your mouse over the + icon and select Paste. where the now copied component(s) can be pasted.
5. Your copied components will populate.
Copied components can only be pasted into a draft Orchestration.
When pasting message automation actions, a brand new message delivery template will be created. The new template will have the same subject line, body, etc. Making changes to the pasted message delivery template will not affect the published version.
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