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Cordial Dashboard


The Cordial Dashboard visualizes message performance and engagement trends for easy understanding and actionable insights. Quickly find specific metrics and compare KPIs across time periods to unearth patterns and opportunities.

Some values displayed on the Dashboard are rounded. You can get the raw values by exporting the Channel Performance Trend data or Channel Breakdown

Channel Performance overview

The top of the Channel Performance dashboard provides an overview of KPIs by channel: Total Subscribers, Sent, and Revenue. Using the date range dropdown menus, compare metrics with previous periods and years to better understand customer behavior and shape new strategies.

  • The Total Subscribers panel displays customers subscribed to each channel.

1.) Total Subscribers doesn't currently account for unique subscribers. For example, if one person is subscribed to both email and mobile, that will count as two subscriptions (one for each channel). 2.) Total Subscribers is the only metric on the Cordial Dashboard that's not affected by the date range you choose at the top.

  • The Sent panel displays sending volume by channel.
  • The Revenue panel visualizes revenue attributed to each channel.

If indirect revenue is enabled in your account, it will be factored into the overall revenue metric. Contact your CSM to enable indirect revenue. 

Channel Performance Trends

The Channel Performance Trends area displays KPIs by channel to help you visualize engagement.

1. Choose the desired date range and comparison period at the top.

2. Use the message type dropdown menu to show KPIs for:

  • All messages 
  • Batch messages 
  • All automations 
  • Promotional automations 
  • Transactional automations

SMS Performance

When viewing SMS Performance, you can choose to view All SMS Types (both text and multi-media), SMS (just text messages), or MMS (only messages including media like images).

Performance Trends chart

The Performance Trends chart shows channel performance metrics alongside each other for quick insights.

1. Select the metrics you want to display. The examples here show Sent emails against Click Rate. Available metrics:

  • Sent
  • Delivered
  • Click Rate
  • Opt Out Rate
  • Revenue
  • Revenue Per Message

2. Use the dropdown menu to group the metrics on a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly basis, as desired.

3. View the messages sent on an individual day, week, or month (depending how your metrics are grouped) by clicking the desired date on the chart.

Top 10 Messages

View Top 10 Messages for each channel, ranked by the KPI of your choosing. Look at high performers to see what works and apply it to other messages. Look at low performers to figure out ways to improve those messages.

1. Choose the desired KPI from the dropdown.

2. Click the KPI column to switch between descending or ascending order.

Export Performance Trend data

1. To export Channel Performance Trend data to a CSV file, choose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly for the time grouping and click the Export button.

2. Give your file a name and click Export.

The Export button will only be available if exporting permission is granted in your account.

Performance metrics defined


  • Sent: Total number of email messages sent.
  • Delivered Rate: Percentage of sent messages that were successfully delivered.
  • Click Rate: The percentage of customers who received the message and clicked into it.
  • Opt Out Rate: Rate of sent messages that resulted in a customer opting out.
  • Revenue: Total revenue attributed to the channel.
  • Revenue Per Message: Average amount of revenue generated from each message.


  • Sent: Total number of SMS messages sent.
  • Delivered Rate: Percentage of sent messages that were successfully delivered.
  • Click Rate: The percentage of customers who received the message and clicked into it.
  • Revenue: Total revenue attributed to the channel.
  • Revenue Per Message: Average amount of revenue generated from each message.

Mobile App

  • Sent: Total number of unique notifications sent and the number of receiving devices. A single contact can receive the same notification more than once if they have your app installed on multiple devices.
  • Open Rate: Rate of sent messages that were opened.
  • Failure Rate: Rate of sent notifications that resulted in delivery failure. Failures are typically a result of app uninstalls from a device.
  • Revenue: Total revenue attributed to the channel.
  • Revenue Per Message: Average amount of revenue generated from each message.

Performance Breakdown table

1. Click the Table button to view a breakdown of analytics for individual messages. The Performance Breakdown will display for the date range you choose at the top of the Dashboard.

2. You can choose to view All messages, Batch messages, Promotional automations, or Transactional automations in your breakdown.

Export performance breakdown

1. Click the Export button to export the breakdown. 

2. Fill in the required fields and choose the export destination.



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