Cordial's Asynchronous API offers system-to-system methods for sending event, contact, orders, and supplement data. This allows you to stream data from third parties into Cordial, send multiple API requests at the same time, and have more precise control over how Cordial interacts with other systems.
When to use
We recommend using our Asynchronous API whenever possible—unless a synchronous response is required. Use our Scriptable API if custom authentication or transformations are required.
Synchronous v. Asynchronous API process
Synchronous API process: a request comes in to Cordial, data from the request is written to the database, and the response is returned to the sender.
Asynchronous API process: a request comes in to Cordial, a response is returned to the sender, then the request is queued to be processed to our database as soon as possible. For Asynchronous API calls, there's no need to wait for record-level processing because that processing is queued asynchronously from the API exchange.
Keep in mind that managing Asynchronous APIs can be complex and has multiple differences from managing REST APIs. Contact your CSM for guidance.
Access and test Asynchronous API
You can use Swagger to access and test our Asynchronous API offerings. In order to do so, you'll need an API key.
Access by region
- usw1: https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api
- usw2: https://integrations-ingest-svc.usw2.cordial.com/api
- use1: https://integrations-ingest-svc.use1.cordial.com/api
The Asynchronous API uses an x-api-key
header for authentication. The value is your Cordial API key.
Supported actions
- POST/upsertContact
- POST/createContactactivities
- POST/addContactsToList
- POST/removeContactsFromList
- POST/upsertOrder
- POST/upsertSupplementRecords
- POST/addProductsToCart
- POST/removeProductsFromCart
Method | Example URL path |
https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api/upsertContact |
Support for contact merge strategies on unique key conflicts. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example source string
Data source
*identifiers object
Contains contact key-value pairs. Schema:
- customID
- channels.phone.address
See example request. identifiersPriority array
The order in which identifiers are used when searching for a contact.
[ 'customId', 'email', 'phone' ] attributes object
Attributes to update. Schema:
- channel and subscribe status
- array
- number
- location.postal.code
- customId
See example request.
forceSubscribe boolean
forceSubscribe should be passed as true if subscribeStatus is changed from unsubscribed to subscribed.
true, false
mergeOptions boolean
Optional. Controls if contacts merge is enabled.
- mergeAllowed: Boolean. Determines if contacts merge is allowed for this upsert.
- mergeableSecondaryKeys: String. Defines which secondary keys conflicts do not prevent the merge.
See example request.
{ "source": "api.example.com", "identifiers": { "customId": "test-user", "email": "test@example.com", "channels.phone.address": "+1234567890" }, "identifiersPriority": [ "customId", "email", "phone" ], "attributes": { "channels.email.subscribeStatus": "subscribed", "array": [1, 2, 3], "number": 2, "location.postal_code": "92613", "email": "new@example.com", "customId": "test-user", "LISTNAME": false }, "forceSubscribe": true, "mergeOptions": { "mergeAllowed": true, "mergeableSecondaryKeys": [ "email" ] } }
field defines a contact to be upserted.
Batch requests are supported using POST/api/upsertContact/batch. The payload is an array of individual items with the array size ranging from 1 to 100.
Method | Example URL path |
https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api/createContactactivities |
Creates or updates contacts in real time. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example source string
Data source
*contact object
Identifies a contact for whom to record a contact activity. Schema:
- identifiers: object
- identifiersPriority: object
- attributes: Object. The attributes to be set if a contact does not exist and should be created. Ignored otherwise.
- forceSubscribe: boolean
- mergeOptions: boolean
- canBeCreated: Boolean. Optional and false by default. Defines if a contact should be created if it’s not present.
- canBeUpdated: Boolean. Optional and false by default. Defines if a contact should be updated if it’s already present.
See example request.
*contactActivities array
Specifies events triggered by contact. Schema:
- name
- time
- properties: array
- geo: array
- device: array
See example request.
{ "source": "api.example.com", "contact": { "identifiers": { "customId": "test-user", "email": "test@example.com", "channels.phone.address": "+1234567890" }, "identifiersPriority": [ "customId", "email", "phone" ], "attributes": { "required_attribute": "my-cool-attr" }, "forceSubscribe": false, "mergeOptions": { "mergeAllowed": true, "mergeableSecondaryKeys": [ "email" ] }, "canBeCreated": true, "canBeUpdated": false }, "contactActivities": [ { "name": "pageView", "time": "2023-02-01T14:29:03+00:00", "properties": { "first": "test", "number": 2, "url": "/academy/" }, "geo": { "city": "San Francisco", "country": "United States", "geoLoc": { "lat": 40.2964197, "lon": -76.9411617 } }, "device": { "type": "mobile", "device": "iPhone7,2", "platform": "iPhone OS", "browser": "Safari", "ip": "", "robot": false } } ] }
Batch requests are supported using POST/api/createContactactivities/batch. The payload is an array of individual items with the array size ranging from 1 to 100.
Method | Example URL path |
https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api/addContactsToList |
Creates a new list in real time. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example source string
Data source
*contact object
Identifies contacts to add to list. Schema:
- identifiers: object
- identifiersPriority: object
See example request.
*listName string
List to which contacts will be added.
See example request. isAllowedToCreateLists boolean
Determines if list creation on the fly is allowed. Optional and set to true by default.
true, false -
{ "source": "api.example.com", "contacts": { "identifiers": [ { "custom_id": "test-user", "email": "test@example.com" }, { "email": "another@example.com" } ], "identifiersPriority": [ "custom_id", "email" ] }, "listName": "MyList", "isAllowedToCreateLists": true }
Batch requests are supported using POST/api/addContactsToList/batch. The payload is an array of individual items with the array size ranging from 1 to 100.
Method | Example URL path |
https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api/removeContactsFromList |
Removes contacts from a list in real time. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example source string
Data source
*contacts object
Identifies contacts to add to list. Schema:
- identifiers: object
- identifiersPriority: object
See example request.
*listIdentifier string
Value by which the list will be identified, searching list name by default. May be overridden using listIdentifierKey property.
See example request. listIdentifierKey number
Secret key for destination API. Schema:
- name of list
- destination ID
See example request. -
{ "source": "api.example.com", "contacts": { "identifiers": [ { "custom_id": "test-user", "email": "test@example.com" }, { "email": "another@example.com" } ], "identifiersPriority": [ "custom_id", "email" ] }, "listName": "MyList", "isAllowedToCreateLists": true }
Batch requests are supported using POST/api/removeContactsFromList/batch. The payload is an array of individual items with the array size ranging from 1 to 100.
Method | Example URL path |
https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api/addContactsToList |
Removes order items from cart when needed, such as when an order is completed. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example source string
Data source
*contact object
Identifies contact making purchase. Schema:
- identifiers: object
- identifiersPriority: object
See example request.
*orderID string
Unique ID for the order.
See example request.
*purchaseDate string
Date of purchase.
See example request.
*status string
Order status.
See example request.
totalAmount number
Total price of purchase.
See example request.
tax number
Sales tax applied to purchase.
See example request.
properties array
Additional details of product(s) purchased.
See example request.
shouldRemoveItemsFromCart boolean
Removes purchased items from cart. Optional and true by default.
*items array
Items pulled from orders collection.
Required: *productID, *sku, *name
Optional: manufacturerName, category, itemPrice, qty, url, images, properties, attributes
See example request.
{ "source": "api.example.com", "contact": { "identifiers": { "segment_id": "test-user", "email": "test@example.com" }, "identifiersPriority": [ "segment_id", "email" ] }, "orderID": "test-order-id", "purchaseDate": "2022-04-29T09:00:23+00:00", "status": "Order Completed", "totalAmount": 623.32, "tax": 42.76, "properties": { "affiliation": "Google" }, "removeItemsFromCart": true, "items": [ { "productID": "test-product-id", "sku": "test-sku", "name": "test-product-name", "category": "test-category", "manufacturerName": "test-brand", "itemPrice": 23.54, "qty": 2, "url": "https://example.com/product", "images": [ "https://cdn.example.com/product.jpg" ], "properties": { "variant": "black", "size": "xs" }, "attr": [] } ] }
Batch requests are supported using POST/api/upsertOrder/batch. The payload is an array of individual items with the array size ranging from 1 to 100.
Method | Example URL path |
https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api/upsertSupplementRecords |
Skips updates if the existing record has a more recent update date than the one coming from the request. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example source string
Data source
*contact object
Identifies contact. Schema:
- identifiers: object
- identifiersPriority: object
See example request.
*supplement string Supplement name. See example request. updatedDateField string Supplement field name for updated date. Allows you to skip updates with older records. See example request. *records array Supplemental data about contact and order. Pulled from the supplement records collection. See example request. -
{ "source": "api.example.com", "contact": { "identifiers": { "email": "test@example.com" }, "identifiersPriority": [ "email" ] }, "supplement": "recharge_subscriptions", "updatedDateField": "updated_at", "records": [ { "id": 266787835, "product_title": "Silver-Gold ring", "updated_at": "2022-08-02T16:27:41+00:00" }, { "id": 266787836, "properties": { "is_prepaid": true }, "updated_at": "2022-08-02T16:27:41+00:00" } ] }
Batch requests are supported using POST/api/upsertSupplementRecords/batch. The payload is an array of individual items with the array size ranging from 1 to 100.
Method | Example URL path |
https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api/addProductsToCart |
Adds products to cart when needed. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example source string
Data source
*contact object
Identifies contact. Schema:
- identifiers: object
- identifiersPriority: object
See example request.
*items array
Products added to cart.
Required: *productID, *qty, *sku, *name, *category, *name
Optional: description, itemPrice, url, images, properties, attributes
See example request. -
{ "source": "api.example.com", "contact": { "identifiers": { "email": "test@example.com" }, "identifiersPriority": [ "email" ] }, "items": [ { "productID": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011", "sku": "G-32", "qty": 1, "category": "Games", "name": "Monopoly: 3rd Edition", "description": "Best game ever!", "itemPrice": 18.99, "url": "https://www.example.com/product/path", "images": [ "https://www.example.com/product/path.jpg" ], "properties": { "coupon": "MAYDEALS", "variant": "200 pieces" }, "attr": [] } ] }
Batch requests are supported using POST/api/addProductsToCart/batch. The payload is an array of individual items with the array size ranging from 1 to 100.
Method | Example URL path |
https://integrations-ingest-svc.cordial.com/api/removeProductsFromCart |
Removes products from cart when needed. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example source string
Data source
*contact object
Identifies contact. Schema:
- identifiers: object
- identifiersPriority: object
See example request.
*items array
Products removed from cart.
Required: *productID, *qty
Optional: sku, category, name, description, itemPrice, url, images, properties, attributes
See example request.
{ "source": "api.example.com", "contact": { "identifiers": { "custom_id": "test-user", "email": "test@example.com" }, "identifiersPriority": [ "custom_id", "email" ] }, "items": [ { "productID": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011", "qty": 1 }, { "productID": "7994fas21daf39afsd12011", "qty": 5 } ] }
Batch requests are supported using POST/api/removeProductsFromCart/batch. The payload is an array of individual items with the array size ranging from 1 to 100.
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