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Automation templates API


An automation template instance within the automation templates collection contains the essential information to define a template for an automated message. Templates include details for content, channel, message classification (transactional or promotional), subject line, from and reply address, and HTML. You can use a template one or more times.

Additional information

  • Template key values must be unique. Therefore, it's important to consider a naming convention that will accommodate creating multiple templates over time. For example: sports_newsletter_Jan_2025_week1 is better than jan_newsletter.
  • Cordial provides a default transport for sending communications; however it is possible to use an external provider if needed.
  • By default, results data is aggregated on a daily interval. This can be optionally set to hourly if further granularity is needed.


Cordial's core APIs use HTTPS Basic Authentication (BA). From within the Cordial platform, you can generate an encoded API key for your account and use it for authorization.

Methods, parameters, and examples

Method URL Path
POST /v2/automationtemplates
  • Creates a new message automation template in the Cordial database using the appropriate JSON body.
  • Posting more than one time for the same template key value will generate an error. Use the PUT method to change or update fields once the template is created.
  • * Required

    Parameter Type Description Example

    Template information

    * key string Unique value assigned to the template. The key may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes. news-01-21-2025
    * name string A name given to the automation template. news-01-21-2025
    * channel string Messaging channel key (e.g. email, sms, push). Note that some of your channels may have custom keys. email
    * classification string If applicable, classifies the message as transactional or promotional. transactional
    * baseAggregation string Message performance aggregate rollup interval.
    Specific to API and event triggered messages. Possible values: daily, hourly.
    tags array An array of string values to identify and categorize the message. Tags are case sensitive. ["birthday","promo"]
    transportID string Defines the transportID if overriding the default. trans_1134
    draftContent string Determines if the message will be submitted as a draft or published version. Default is false (published). Possible values: true, false true
    trackLinks string Determines if link performance will be tracked. Default is enabled. Possible values: enabled, disabled disabled

    Message headers (email)

    * subject string The subject line for the communication. Welcome!
    * fromEmail string The email address that the message is from.
    * fromDesc string Describes the sender. CS Dept
    * replyEmail string Email address that will receive the message replies.

    Message content

    * text/html string Message content. Can contain HTML markup for email messages or plain text for SMS. <div>content</div>
  • Email

    The following will create a new message automation template for a promotional email message.

      "key": "promo_01_20_2025",
      "name": "promo_01_20_2025",
      "channel": "email",
      "classification": "promotional",
      "baseAggregation": "hourly",
      "message": {
        "headers": {
          "subject": "One Day Only Sale",
          "fromEmail": "",
          "replyEmail": "",
          "fromDesc": "Promotions Team"
        "content": {
          "text/html": "<div>Hello World</div>"


    The following will create a new message automation template for a promotional SMS message.

      "key": "sms_cyber_promo",
      "baseAggregation": "daily",
      "channel": "sms",
      "classification": "promotional",
      "name": "Cyber Monday Deal",
      "tags": ["cyber_monday", "cm_promo"],
      "message": {
        "content": {
          "text": "SMS text message content"
  • The following URL in conjunction with the JSON will perform the POST of the automation templates.



Method URL Path
GET /v2/automationtemplates
Retrieves all automation templates from the Cordial database. Response data can be filtered using template fields, message tags, and timestamp values.
  • Parameter Type Description Example
    fields string Limits the data returned to the fields specified. Multiple fields are comma separated.
    Possible Values: key, name, classification, channel, stats, baseAggregation, createdAt, lastUpdate, message, mdtID. Note: The status field always displays the value of disabled and does not represent the actual status of a sending method. This field is unused.
    ct[gt] string Returns records where the  create date is greater than the specified date.
    ct[gte] string Returns records where the create date is greater than or equal to the specified date.
    ct[lt] string Returns records where the create date is less than the specified date.
    ct[lte] string Returns records where the create date is less than or equal to the specified date.
    lm[gt] string Returns records where the last modified time is greater than the specified date.
    lm[gte] string Returns records where the last modified time is greater than or equal to the specified date.
    lm[lt] string Returns records where the last modified time is less than the specified date.
    lm[lte] string Returns records where the last modified time is less than or equal to the specified date.
    tags string Returns automation templates that contain the specified message tags. Multiple tags are comma separated.
    page string Specifies the results page number to be returned.
    per_page string Specifies the number of records returned per page.
  • The following URL will retrieve all message automation templates and include all fields.


    The following URL will retrieve all automation templates, but will only include the field data for "name".


    The following URL will retrieve all automation templates, and will only include the field data for "name" and "message".


    The following URL will retrieve all automation templates starting from the third page grouping contacts by 10. For example, page-1 would have included the first 10, page-2 the second group of 10 and so on.



Method URL Path
GET /v2/automationtemplates/{key}
  • Retrieves a specified automation template from the Cordial database.
  • The automation template record is defined by the template's unique key value.
  • Parameter Type Description Example
    fields string Limits the data returned to the fields specified. Multiple fields are comma separated. Possible values: key, name, classification, channel, stats, baseAggregation, createdAt, lastUpdate, message, mdtID
    Note: The status field always displays the value of disabled and does not represent the actual status of a sending method. This field is unused.
  • The following URL will retrieve an automation template where the key value is "promo_01_20_2025" and include all fields.


    The following URL will retrieve an automation template where the key value is "promo_01_20_2025", but will only include the field data for name.


    The following URL will retrieve an automation template where the key value is "promo_01_20_2025", and will only include the field data for name and message.



Method URL Path
PUT /v2/automationtemplates/{key}
  • Updates fields for an automation template within the Cordial database.
  • The automation template record is defined by the template's unique key value. For example, /automationtemplates/promo_01_20_2025 allows the template with the key value of "promo_01_20_2025" to be updated using the appropriate JSON body.
  • *Required

    Parameter Type Description Example

    Template information

    transportID string Defines the transportID if overriding the default. trans_1134
    draftContent string Determines if the message will be submitted as a draft or published version. Default is false (published). Possible values: true, false true
    trackLinks string Determines if link performance will be tracked. Default is enabled. Possible Values: enabled, disabled disabled

    Message headers

    * subject string The subject line for the communication. Welcome!
    * fromEmail string The email address that the message is from.
    * fromDesc string Describes the sender. CS Dept
    * replyEmail string The email address that the message's replies will go to.
    Message content
    text/html string Message content. Can contain HTML markup or plain text, depending on message type and channel. <div>content</div>
  • The following will update the subject for an automation template.

        "message": {
            "headers": {
                "subject": "Big Sale This Weekend",
                "fromEmail": "",
                "replyEmail": "",
                "fromDesc": "Promo Team"
  • The following URL in conjunction with the JSON will perform the PUT to the automation template "promo_01_20_2025".



Method URL Path
PUT /v2/automationtemplates/{key}/publish
  • Publishes an existing automation template draft.
  • The automation template record is defined by the template's unique key value.
  • The following URL will perform a PUT to the automation template draft with a key of "promo_01_20_2025 ".



Method URL Path
POST /automationtemplates/{key}/senddraft
  • Sends an existing automation template draft for testing purposes.
  • The automation template draft to be sent is defined by the template's unique key value.
  • For example, /automationtemplates/promo_01_20_2025/senddraft allows the template with the key value of "promo_01_20_2025" to be sent using the appropriate JSON body.
  • The template can be sent to one or more contacts, as specified within the JSON body.
  • * Required

    Parameter Type Description Example
    * contact identifier string

    Specify the message recipient using a contact identifier key/value pair. Use the "identifierKey": "identifierValue" format.

    "": "",
    "custID": "ID1234"

    Using the extVars object, any number of additional external variables may be added. These values are then available in the template. For example, if "extVars": {"orderID": "o1234"} is included as an order ID value, then in the message it can be accessed as {$extVars.orderID}.

    Data passed within external variables is not stored in the Cordial platform.

    Data passed as external variables should represent relatively simple string values. Attempts to pass more complex data, such as markup code, will be blocked by the server due to secURLty considerations.

  • The following will send a message to a single contact. The three examples each use a different contact identifier key/value pair to identify the recipient.

    Using email as identifier

        "to": {
            "contact": {
                "email": ""
            "extVars": {
                "orderID": "123",
                "orderItems": [
                        "name": "Tour Tee",
                        "amount": "22.50"
                        "name": "Icon Tee",
                        "amount": "25.50"
                        "name": "Icon Hat",
                        "amount": "15.50"

    Using cID as identifier

        "to": {
            "contact": {
                "cID": "58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3"
            "extVars": {
                "orderID": "123",
                "orderItems": [
                        "name": "Tour Tee",
                        "amount": "22.50"
                        "name": "Icon Tee",
                        "amount": "25.50"
                        "name": "Icon Hat",
                        "amount": "15.50"

    Using a custom identifier

        "to": {
            "contact": {
                "customKey": "identifierValue"
            "extVars": {
                "orderID": "123",
                "orderItems": [
                        "name": "Tour Tee",
                        "amount": "22.50"
                        "name": "Icon Tee",
                        "amount": "25.50"
                        "name": "Icon Hat",
                        "amount": "15.50"


Method URL Path
POST /v2/automationtemplates/{key}/send
  • Sends an existing automation template. The automation template to be sent is defined by the template's unique key value.
  • For example, /automationtemplates/promo_01_20_2025 week1/send allows the template with the key value of "promo_01_20_2025" to be sent using the appropriate JSON body.
  • The template can be sent to one or more contacts, as specified within the JSON body.

This endpoint will successfully create a new contact record if the contact identifier value in the request does not already exist. The newly added contact will have a subscribe status of none and will not receive promotional messages until subscribed to the appropriate channel. If the contact exists, data passed in the contact object will upsert corresponding contact attributes in Cordial.

There is a one-request-per-second default limit on API send calls. Additional capacity can be requested by contacting your Client Success Manager.

  • * Required

    Parameter Type Description Example

    Message recipient information

    * contact identifier string Specify the message recipient using a contact identifier key/value pair. Use the "identifierKey": "identifierValue" format. "": "",
    "custID": "ID1234"
    identifyBy string Specifies which identifier key in the request body should be used to look up the contact. email, cID, SMS, customKey


    The identifyBy parameter is used to specify which identifier key in the request body should be used to look up the contact. Because contact attribute data sent in the contact object of the call will upsert corresponding contact attributes in Cordial, identifyBy should be used to specify which key serves as the contact identifier.

    The identifier key you specify for the identifyBy parameter essentially becomes "reserved" for the purpose of looking up the contact, and its value will not be upserted. However, the call will upsert any secondary contact identifier values within the contact object if provided.

    The use of this parameter becomes especially relevant for Cordial accounts where a contact can be uniquely identified using more than one identifier key, be it primary or secondary.

    For calls where identifyBy is not included, the request body will be searched for the key that serves as the primary contact identifier in your Cordial account, and if not found, the call will return the pk-not-preset-inpayload response. This occurs because the call is configured to fall back to the primary contact identifier when no other identifier is specified.

    External variables

    Using extVars, any number of additional external variables may be added. These values are then available in the template. For example, if "extVars": {"orderID": "o1234"} is included as an order ID value, then in the message it can be accessed as {$extVars.orderID}.

    Data passed within external variables is not stored in the Cordial platform.

    Data passed as external variables should represent relatively simple string values. Attempts to pass more complex data, such as markup code, will be blocked by the server due to secURLty considerations.

  • The following will send to a single contact. In this example, identifyBy indicates email is the contact identifier used to look up the contact. The call will upsert the provided SMS and age contact attribute values in Cordial.

      "identifyBy": "email",
      "to": {
        "contact": {
          "email": "",
          "sms": "16198880000",
          "age": "34"
        "extVars": {
          "orderID": "123",
          "orderItems": [
              "name": "Tour Tee",
              "amount": "22.50"
              "name": "Icon Tee",
              "amount": "25.50"
              "name": "Icon Hat",
              "amount": "15.50"

    Using cID as identifier

        "identifyBy": "cID",
        "to": {
            "contact": {
                "cID": "58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3"
            "extVars": {
                "orderID": "123",
                "orderItems": [
                        "name": "Tour Tee",
                        "amount": "22.50"
                        "name": "Icon Tee",
                        "amount": "25.50"
                        "name": "Icon Hat",
                        "amount": "15.50"

    Using a custom identifier

        "identifyBy": "customKey",
        "to": {
            "contact": {
                "customKey": "identifierValue"
            "extVars": {
                "orderID": "123",
                "orderItems": [
                        "name": "Tour Tee",
                        "amount": "22.50"
                        "name": "Icon Tee",
                        "amount": "25.50"
                        "name": "Icon Hat",
                        "amount": "15.50"

    The following will send to multiple email addresses.

      "identifyBy": "email",
      "to": [
          "contact": {
            "email": ""
          "extVars": {
            "orderID": "123",
            "orderItems": [
                "name": "Tour Tee",
                "amount": "22.50"
                "name": "Icon Tee",
                "amount": "25.50"
                "name": "Icon Hat",
                "amount": "15.50"
          "contact": {
            "email": ""
          "extVars": {
            "orderID": "456",
            "orderItems": [
                "name": "San Diego Tee",
                "amount": "22.75"
                "name": "Icon Tee",
                "amount": "25.50"
                "name": "Winter Hat",
                "amount": "13.40"

    The following will send to a single email address AND will set the contact subscribe status to subscribed. Take note of the channels addition to the JSON.

    Another way to access the contact identifier with the identifyBy parameter is to use dot notation. For example: "identifyBy": "".

      "identifyBy": "email",
      "to": {
        "contact": {
          "channels": {
            "email": {
              "address": "",
              "subscribeStatus": "subscribed"
          "fname": "Mark"
        "extVars": {
          "orderID": "123",
          "orderItems": [
              "name": "Tour Tee",
              "amount": "22.50"
              "name": "Icon Tee",
              "amount": "25.50"
              "name": "Icon Hat",
              "amount": "15.50"


Method URL Path
DELETE /v2/automationtemplates/{key}
  • Deletes an existing automation template within the Cordial database.
  • The automation template is defined by the template's unique key value. For example, /automationtemplate/sports_newsletter_Jan_2025_week1 would delete the template with the key value of "sports_newsletter_Jan_2025_week1".
  • The following URL will delete an automation template where the key value is "promo_01_20_2025".



Method URL Path
GET /v2/automationtemplates/{key}/renderdraft/{contactID}
  • Retrieves the message headers, the rendered HTML, and experiment name and variants of an automated template draft for a specified contact.
  • The automation template is defined by the template's unique key value.
  • The contact record is defined by the contact's unique cID value.
  • For example, /automationtemplates/order_confirm/renderdraft/58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3" will return the response data of the draft template with the key value of "order_confirm" and the contactID of "58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3".
  • Additionally, you can pass experiment names and variants using a query string.
  • Parameter Type Description Example
    experiment string Returns the automation template that contains the specified experiment. Variant is required if experiment is specified.
    variant string Returns the automation template that contains the specified experiment variant. Experiment is required if variant is specified.
  • The following URL will perform the GET to the automation template draft where:

        • Key = order_confirm
        • Contact ID = 58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3

    The following URL will perform the GET to the automation template draft where:

        • Key = order_confirm
        • Contact ID = 58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3
        • Subject experiment = SubjectTest
        • Subject experiment Variant = TestSubjectA

    The following URL will perform the GET to the automation template draft where:

        • Key = order_confirm
        • Contact ID = 58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3
        • Subject experiment = SubjectTest
        • Subject experiment Variant = TestSubjectA
        • Body experiment = BodyExperiment
        • Body experiment variant = BodyA


Method URL Path
GET /v2/automationtemplates/{key}/renderpublished/{contactID}
  • Retrieves the message headers, the rendered HTML, and experiment name and variants of a published message automation template for a specified contact.
  • The automation template is defined by the template's unique key value. The contact record is defined by the contact's unique cID value.
  • For example, /automationtemplates/order_confirm/renderpublished/58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3" will return the response data of the published template with the key value of "order_confirm" and the contactID of "58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3".
  • Additionally, you can pass experiment names and variants using a query string.
  • Parameter Type Description Example
    experiment string Returns the automation template that contains the specified experiment. Variant is required if experiment is specified.
    variant string Returns the automation template that contains the specified experiment variant. Experiment is required if variant is specified.
  • The following URL will perform the GET to the published automation template where:

    • Key = order_confirm
    • Contact ID = 58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3

    The following URL will perform the GET to the published automation template where:

    • Key = order_confirm
    • Contact ID = 58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3
    • Subject experiment = SubjectTest
    • Subject experiment Variant = TestSubjectA

    The following URL will perform the GET to the published automation template where:

    • Key = order_confirm
    • Contact ID = 58d30719ac0c8117814da1f3
    • Subject experiment = SubjectTest
    • Subject experiment Variant = TestSubjectA
    • Body experiment = BodyExperiment
    • Body experiment variant = BodyA

Test in Swagger

You can access and test Cordial's APIs in Swagger.

Error responses

The Cordial API will return an error object with an errorKey and message if there is a problem with an API call. Below is a list of errors specific to the Automation Templates API endpoint, along with suggested modifications to resolve each error. If you receive an error from this API endpoint that is not listed in this table, it is likely recorded within the Global API Error Responses page.

errorKey Message Modifications
CHANNELS_KEY_NOT_FOUND Incorrect channel for current account
Channel type class does not exist.
Ensure the channel entered for this account is correct.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_KEY_MUST_BE_UNIQUE Key must be unique The key must be a unique combination of letters, numbers, and dashes.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_SMS_TRANSACTIONAL_MESSAGES_NOT_ALLOWED Transactional messages are not allowed for messages of type sms. SMS messages must be classified as promotional.
MESSAGE_TRANSPORT_NOT_CONFIGURED Transport must be configured before messages can be created Ensure the transport has been configured correctly.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_SCULPT_CONTENT_UPDATE_FAILED Failed to update sculpt content The Sculpt Editor will provide a live preview for testing.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_TEMPLATE Failed to update message delivery template content Ensure the message content has been input correctly.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_NOT_FOUND Template does not exist Check that the template key was entered correctly.
Message with :key not found
The entered message key did not return any results.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS Include all the necessary fields Make sure that all required fields are filled out correctly.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_UNABLE_TO_PUBLISH Unable to publish template. Ensure a draft exists. Make sure an existing automation template draft exists before attempting to publish.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_INVALID_TEMPLATE_KEY mdt unable to be created Automation template keys are unique and may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_CANNOT_DELETE_TEMPLATE_WITH_ENABLED_TRIGGERS Message cannot be deleted The template cannot be deleted with a trigger enabled.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_KEY_AND_ID_CONFLICT specify only one of "key" or "templateID" Make sure to enter the key or templateID, but not both.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_KEY_NOT_FOUND Template with key :key doesn't exist. The entered key did not return any results.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_NO_PUBLISHED_TEMPLATE There is no published version for this template There is no published version for this template
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_RECIPIENT_IS_REQUIRED "to" must be specified The "to" parameter must contain a single contact or an array of contacts.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_INVALID_RECIPIENT_PAYLOAD "to" parameter must contain a single contact or an array of contacts to send to The "to" parameter must contain a single contact or an array of contacts.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_SENDING_METHOD_IS_DISABLED Trigger :triggerType is disabled The trigger API is disabled.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_CONTACT_MUST_HAVE_ID Pre-existing contact must have _id The contact must have a cID.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_DRAFT_NOT_FOUND There is no draft for this template
Draft does not exist
An existing draft of of this template was not found.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_SEND_ERROR Please fill adresses Be sure to correctly fill all required address fields.
AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES_KEY_IS_NOT_INDEXED Key :key not indexed field. The key is not indexed.
EXPERIMENTS_INVALID_NAME Incorrect experiment name Check that the experiment is correctly input.
EXPERIMENTS_INCORRECT_DATA Please provide correct data for experiment The experiment name was left empty or variant does not exist.
CONTACT_DATA_NOT_FOUND Contact not provided in payload One of the contacts in the entry array does not contain a correct value.
NO_ADDRESS_SET Address not present in contact for particular message channel The contact's address may be missing for this channel.
INVALID Contact marked as invalid The contact's information may be missing/incorrect.
NOT_SUBSCRIBED Contact not subscribed The contact's email must be subscribed to receive messages.
EXCEEDED_RATE_LIMIT Duplicated record in message contacts collection Contact Cordial support member to resolve this issue.
INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error Contact Cordial support member to resolve this issue.



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