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Jobs API


The Jobs resource contains all background Job activity and status for retrieval via GET calls.

API set name: jobs

Additional information

  • Jobs are generated by the application to manage and track contact imports and exports using the Contact import and Contact export APIs.
  • The Job information includes Job status, Job ID, Job name, total items, completed items and start and end times.
  • For import Jobs specifically, Jobs also include total records, number updated, number inserted, number rejected, duplicate records, invalid records and new records.
  • Job names and IDs are given to the job automatically based on the API initiating the job type. For example, contactimports will assign the value of ImportContacts to the jobName.
  • Jobs can have a status of Scheduled, Pending, Processing, Failed, and Done.
  • Jobs records are retained for 60 days.
  • Job rejections and import rejections are downloadable in the UI.
  • Job rejections are retained for 7 days.


Cordial's core APIs use HTTP Basic Authentication (BA). From within the Cordial platform, you can generate an encoded API key for your account and use it for authorization.

Resource associations

The following resource collections are associated to this collection.

Collection Association
contactimports The contactimports resource creates job records in the jobs collection.
contactexports The contactexports resource creates job records in the jobs collection.

Methods, parameters, and examples


Method URL Path
GET /v2/jobs
Retrieves all jobs from the Cordial database.
  • Parameter Type Description Example
    jobName string Name given to the job.
    times[start][gt] string Returns results where the start time is greater than the specified date.
    times[start][gte] string Returns results where the start time is greater than or equal to the specified date.
    times[start][lt] string Returns results where the start time is less than specified date.
    times[start][lte] string Returns results where the start time is less than or equal to the specified date.
    times[end][gt] string Returns results where the end time is greater than specified date.
    times[end][gte] string Returns results where the end time is greater than or equal to the specified date.
    times[end][lt] string Returns results where the end time is less than the specified date.
    times[end][lte] string Returns results where the end time is less than or equal to the specified date.
    status string The active Job status.
    Possible Values:
    Scheduled, Pending, Processing, Failed, Done
    page string Specifies the results page number.
    per_page string Specifies the number of records returned per page.
  • The following URL will retrieve all jobs and include all fields.


    The following URL will retrieve the job with the jobName of ImportContacts.


    The following URL will retrieve all jobs, but will only include jobs that have a status of Failed.


    The following URL will retrieve all jobs starting from the third page grouping jobs by 10. For example, page-1 would include the first 10, page-2 the second group of 10, and so on.



Method URL Path
GET /v2/jobs/{id}
  • Retrieves a specific job record from the Cordial database. The job record is defined by the Job's unique ID value.
  • For example, /jobs/548817d0367df1ef518b4567 would return the response data for the job with the id of 548817d0367df1ef518b4567.
  • The following URL will retrieve the job with the ID value of 123123.


Test in Swagger

You can access and test Cordial's APIs in Swagger.

Error responses

The Cordial API will return an error object with an errorKey and message if there is a problem with an API call. Below is a list of errors specific to the Jobs API endpoint, along with suggested modifications to resolve each error. If you receive an error from the Jobs API endpoint that is not listed in this table, it is likely recorded within the Global API Error Responses page.

errorKey Message Modifications
JOBS_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED Job could not be created Ensure input values are correct.
JOBS_INCORRECT_FILTER Time value is incorrect Time values should be in ISO 08601 date format e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.



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