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Programs API


The Programs API is a resource for obtaining information about Programs.

API set name: programs

Programs endpoints are a beta feature. Please contact your CSM or Solutions representative for more information.


Cordial's core APIs use https Basic Authentication (BA). From within the Cordial platform, you can generate an encoded API key for your account and use it for authorization.

Resource associations

The following resource collections are associated to this collection.

Collection Association
orchestrations Programs often contain multiple Podium Orchestrations.
automationtemplates Podium Orchestrations often contain multiple message automations.

Methods, parameters, and examples


Method URL Path
GET /v2/programs/{id}/summary

Validates if the Program exists and returns summary statistics for it.

  • The following URL will retrieve a summary of statistics for a Program with the ID number 65c275d8b39e087d0c009fa2, start date 2024-12-13, and end date 2024-12-19.
  • The GET request returns a summary of the following statistics and Program information.

      "name": "abandon-series",
      "stats": {
        "delivered": 171666,
        "delivered_rate": 1,
        "orders": 6283,
        "clicks": 5207,
        "clicks_unique": 2640,
        "click_through_rate": 0.0303,
        "click_to_open_rate": 0.1024,
        "opt_outs": 0,
        "opt_out_rate": 0,
        "opens": 25773,
        "opens_unique": 25773,
        "open_rate": 0.1501,
        "complaints": 0,
        "complaint_rate": 0,
        "bounce_rate": 0,
        "bounce_hard": 0,
        "bounce_soft": 0,
        "bounce_total": 0
      "query": {
        "start_date": "2024-12-13",
        "end_date": "2024-12-19",
        "channel_type": null,
        "channel_key": null
      "ct": "2024-02-06T18:09:28.859000Z",
      "lm": "2024-02-06T18:12:37.870000Z"


Method URL Path
GET /v2/programs/{id}/stats

Validates if the Program exists and returns summary statistics for the Orchestrations and individual messages within the Program.

  • The following URL will retrieve a summary of statistics for a Program with the ID number 65c275d8b39e087d0c009fa2, start date 2024-12-13, and end date 2024-12-19.
  • The GET request returns a summary of the following statistics and Program information. Standard retrieval and pagination options are available.

     "data": [
         "message_id": "1003:7dca912dc91575e6ab5ceda678d4312d:d241213",
         "message_name": "browse_abandon_1", 
         "message_key": "646687a2466f80_53696078",
         "orchestration_id": "646687a21a37c7673f0a5f8e",
         "orchestration_name": "Demo_Browse_Abandon",
         "mdt_id": "646687a24a946a99480d23f6",
         "subject": "Take another look",
         "tags": [
         "channel_key": "email",
         "channel_type": "email",
         "sent_at": "2024-12-13T05:06:01+0000",
         "stats": {
           "delivered": 1556,
           "delivered_rate": 100,
           "revenue": 36364,
           "orders": 157,
           "clicks": 50,
           "clicks_unique": 24,
           "opens": 222,
           "opens_unique": 222,
           "click_through_rate": 3.21,
           "click_to_open_rate": 10.81,
           "opt_outs": 0,
           "opt_out_rate": 0,
           "open_rate": 14.27,
           "complaints": 0,
           "complaint_rate": 0,
           "bounce_rate": 0,
           "bounce_hard": 0,
           "bounce_soft": 0,
           "bounce_total": 0
         "message_id": "1003:e3b6af02a15dbd6791b6be18f1cc4824:d241213",
         "message_name": "search_abandon_1",
         "message_key": "6466867672e6d7_50094843",
         "orchestration_id": "6466867693f23da5a106de3f", 
         "orchestration_name": "Demo_Search_Abandon",
         "mdt_id": "646686764a946a9948fa0fff",
         "subject": "We have what you're searching for",
         "tags": [
         "channel_key": "email",
         "channel_type": "email",
         "sent_at": "2024-12-13T05:06:01+0000",
         "stats": {
           "delivered": 3820,
           "delivered_rate": 100,
           "revenue": 67956,
           "orders": 283,
           "clicks": 116,
           "clicks_unique": 54,
           "opens": 626,
           "opens_unique": 626,
           "click_through_rate": 3.04,
           "click_to_open_rate": 8.63,
           "opt_outs": 0,
           "opt_out_rate": 0,
           "open_rate": 16.39,
           "complaints": 0,
           "complaint_rate": 0,
           "bounce_rate": 0,
           "bounce_hard": 0,
           "bounce_soft": 0,
           "bounce_total": 0
     "query": {
       "start_date": "2024-12-13",
       "end_date": "2024-12-19",
       "channel_type": null,
       "channel_key": null
     "pagination": {
       "total": 77,
       "per_page": 15,
       "current_page": 1,
       "last_page": 6,
       "first_page_url": "",
       "last_page_url": "",
       "next_page_url": "",
       "prev_page_url": "",
       "path": "",
       "from": 1,
       "to": 15

Test in Swagger

You can access and test Cordial's APIs in Swagger.

Error responses

You can find a full list of common error responses on the Global API error responses page.

errorKey Message Modification
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Record not found. Make sure the Podium ID number, start date, and end date are correct.



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