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Automated experiment performance


Cordial makes it easy to view performance over time for subject line and body experiments in automated messages, giving you valuable insight on the most impactful ways to communicate with your contacts.

View automated experiment performance

1. Open the desired automated message under Automations and click on Experiments under Message Performance in the left navigation bar. 

2. You can view individual results for subject line and body experiments. Body experiments will appear below subject line experiments.

Experiment performance is tracked separately for each published version. The performance of all experiment versions within an automation is available under Message Performance > Aggregates.

3. Under Test Variants, select which variant to view.

  • The example below shows the results of a subject line experiment optimized by Unique Clicks to Total Sent.

4. Click the Export button at the top to export your experiment results locally as a CSV file.

Over time, Cordial's algorithm will adjust the sending of variations automatically based on performance. The example above shows that the first variation performs better over time and will thus be sent to more contacts. The other variation will continue to be sent, but at smaller numbers. If that variant's performance begins to improve, the algorithm will start sending it in greater numbers and continue to evaluate performance.

Past versions

Use the Copy to Draft function from the message creation pane to create a draft version of your currently published automation. This provides the opportunity to make changes to your subject line and body experiments. The previous automation is retired with each newly published version. Retired automations, along with corresponding experiment performance, are available under the Past Versions tab.



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