Follow these steps to have opt-in checkbox selected by default.
Select opt-in checkbox by default
1. On top right select Name or Account name in Web Forms interface.
2. Select Custom JavaScript.
3. Paste the following custom JavaScript in the correct places.
This will make the opt-in checkbox selected by default across all lightboxes in the account.
In before lightbox display
//Auto-check opt-in checkbox
var iframe = document.getElementById(“lightbox - iframe - ” +lbid);
if (iframe !== null) {
var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
if (iframeDocument) {
var iframeOptIn = iframeDocument.getElementById(‘form_input_opt_in’);
if (iframeOptIn) {
iframeOptIn.checked = PRIMER_CUSTOM_JS_GLOBAL.precheck_checkbox;
In after lightbox display
//Auto-check opt-in checkbox
var iframe = document.getElementById(“lightbox-iframe-” + lbid);
if (iframe !== null) {
var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
if (iframeDocument) {
var iframeOptIn = iframeDocument.getElementById(‘form_input_opt_in’);
if (iframeOptIn) {
iframeOptIn.checked = PRIMER_CUSTOM_JS_GLOBAL.precheck_checkbox;
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