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Lightbox conditions


Lightbox conditions are rules that you create in order to specify the circumstances under which a lightbox should be displayed. If a lightbox doesn't have at least one condition set, it will not be shown to your website visitors.

Create conditions

Conditions can be created by clicking the Add link under the Conditions column in the Web Forms Interface. When a lightbox has a condition set, the Add link will change to Edit.

Conditions can also be created from within the Lightbox Editor interface.

You can create as many conditions for a lightbox as your business rules require. By default, conditions with multiple rules are evaluated as an "AND" which means that all rules must evaluate to true in order for the lightbox to be shown.

OR option

You can create rules that are evaluated as an OR. Within the rules interface there is an OR option to create a rule that will be analyzed in an "OR" manner. Click the OR button to create this type of rule.

The OR option allows you to display a lightbox even if only one of the rules evaluates to true.

Web Forms also offers Rulesets which allow you to save a set of rules that can be applied
to multiple lightboxes. Read more about Rulesets.

List of lightbox rules

Display until

  • This lightbox is closed: The lightbox will display until it is closed by a visitor.  Once a lightbox is closed by a visitor it will be not be shown again unless the visitor clears cookies.
  • This lightbox form is submitted: The lightbox will display until a visitor submits the lightbox form.
  • This lightbox is clicked/redirected: The lightbox will display until a clickable element on the lightbox is clicked. In the Lightbox editor, button elements have a Click Action property that can be set to redirect to a website url or to another page within the lightbox.


  • Max displays per visitor: The lightbox will display a limited number of times per visitor. Once this limit has been reached the lightbox will not be shown again. The options are 1 to 10.
  • Max displays per session: The lightbox will display a specific number of times per session. A Web Forms session expires after sixty minutes of inactivity.
  • Max displays per pageview: The lightbox will display according to the number of visitor's pageviews.


  • Pageviews (all time): The lightbox will display after the visitor has viewed a designated number of pages  across all visits. For example, an offer could be displayed to a customer after they have viewed 4 pages on your website.
  • Pageviews (this session): Display a lightbox after the visitor has viewed a certain amount of pages during the current session. For example, an offer could be displayed to a customer after they have viewed 2 pages on your website within the last 30 minutes. A session is 30 minutes long.
  • Days since last view: The Days Since Last View rule allows you to display a lightbox based on when the visitor last viewed the lightbox. If this rule is set to a number higher greater than five, the box will be triggered after five days. This rule can be used to target infrequent visitors.
  • Date of first visit: Display a lightbox based on when a user first visited your website. 


  • Cookie: This rule allows you to trigger boxes based on cookie values.
  • Local storage: This rule allows you to trigger boxes based on localStorage values.
  • Session storage: This rule allows you to trigger boxes based on sessionStorage values.
  • Javascript
  • Javascript variables: This rule allows you to trigger boxes based on javascript variable values.
  • JavaScript function: This rule allows you to trigger boxes based on javascript function return values.


  • Web source: The web source rule specifies that a lightbox should be shown based upon how the visitor came to your site. This rule can be used to show a special offer to visitors who came to your site through your AdWords campaign. 
  • Search engine: The search engine rule specifies that a lightbox should be shown based upon which search engine your visitors came from. 


  • Current page URL: The current page URL rule specifies that a lightbox should be shown to users who visit a specific page or a page with a URL containing specific terms on your site. For example, if the rule you set is 'Current Page URL CONTAINS awesome-product', then all pages that have 'awesome-product' in the URL will display your lightbox.
  • Referring website URL: The referring website rule specifies that a lightbox should be shown based on the full or partial referring URL. You may want to show a targeted lightbox for traffic that originates from Yelp or Facebook.
  • Landing page: The landing page URL rule shows the lightbox to visitors based on the landing page they hit when first entering your site.
  • Pages navigated URLs: The pages navigated URLs rule shows the lightbox based on whether the visitor has or has not navigated to a specific URL. For example, if you create a rule "does NOT Contain Thank-You.php", the lightbox will not be displayed for any user that has visited your thank you page. This rule offers a useful way of blocking existing customers from being shown your lightbox.


  • UTM campaign name: The UTM campaign name rule shows a lightbox based on the UTM campaign name in the URL the visitor clicked on. This rule allows you to show an ad based on the campaign keyword your visitor clicked on.
  • UTM campaign source: The UTM campaign source rule will show a lightbox to visitors who arrive at your site from a specific source. 
  • UTM campaign content: The UTM campaign content rule shows the lightbox to users based on the UTM content tag in the URL they came from.
  • UTM campaign term: The UTM campaign term rule shows the lightbox to visitors coming to your site by way of a URL containing a specific UTM term tag. This rule makes it easy for you to show a lightbox with a special offer to visitors who arrived via a specific keyword. For example, if you are advertising for the keyword 'White T-Shirt', you could have a lightbox that says 'Free Shipping on All White T-Shirts Today Only!' That way you  are showing the visitor exactly what they are looking for immediately, reducing your bounce rate, and increasing your conversions. 
  • UTM campaign medium: The UTM campaign medium rule Shows the lightbox to visitors who visit your site by way of a specific medium. This rule makes it easy to show a lightbox with a special offer to your email subscribers. For example if in your email newsletter you mention a new product, you can have a lightbox that shows that product when they click through to your website. This way the customer sees the new product right away and can purchase it immediately (no need to look around and find it).


  • Total seconds on page: The total time seconds rule shows a lightbox to a visitor based on the amount of time they have spent on the current page. This is one of our most popular rules - timer based lightbox!
  • Active seconds on page: The active time seconds rule shows the lightbox based on the amount of time the visitor has been active on the current page.
  • Idle seconds on page: The idle time seconds rule shows the lightbox based on the time the visitor has been idle on the current page.


  • Scroll percent: The scroll % rule shows the lightbox based on how far down the page the visitor has scrolled. This is amazing for blog posts. Once they get to the bottom of your content, offer another blog post to read, or capture their email address with a 'Free eBook'.
  • Scroll pixels: The scroll (pixels) rule shows the lightbox based on how far down the page the visitor has scrolled.
  • Click jQuery: The click jQuery selector rule shows the lightbox when a click event takes place. You can set it to show when a link is clicked, or when a button is clicked. You can paste in a Custom CSS path on your website, the Digioh javascript can detect when it has been clicked and show a lightbox. This is awesome for video lightboxes.
  • Hover jQuery: The hover jQuery selector rule shows the lightbox when your visitor hovers over an element on your site. This is great for tool tips!
  • Exit intent: The exit intent rule shows the lightbox to visitors before they leave your site based on their mouse movement. This is great for reducing your bounce rate and bringing people back on to your website. Show our QA lightbox to prompt unanswered questions, a limited time coupon code, or your most popular products.


  • HTML exists jQuery: This rule allows you to control a lightbox's behavior according to a web page's HTML content. 


  • Device type: The device type rule allows you to control a lightbox's behavior according to the type of device a visitor is using. The device type options are Phone, Tablet, and Desktop. 

  • Browser type: The browser type rule shows the lightbox to visitors using a specified browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, etc).
  • Browser version: The browser version rule shows the lightbox based on the browser version number you set. For example, you can combine this with the 'Browser Type' rule to only show a lightbox to visitors on IE version LESS THAN 9, telling them to use a more current browser for your site.
  • Operating system: The operating system rule shows the lightbox to visitors using the specified operating system. For example, Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.


  • Continent: The continent rule specifies that a lightbox should be shown to visitors who reside on a particular continent.
  • Country: The country rule specifies that the lightbox should be shown to users who reside in a specific country. 
  • State: The state rule sets the lightbox to show to visitors from a specific state.
  • City: The city rule determines the visitor’s city and checks it against the value you set. That way you can show a lightbox to visitors based on their city. This is great for events in your city!
  • IP Address: The IP address rule shows a lightbox to a user from a specific IP address, or a user who has an IP address that falls within a specific range. This is great for testing or blocking competitors.
  • Zip Code: The zip code rule shows a lightbox to a user with either the full or partial zip code of your choice.
  • Latitude: The latitude rule shows the lightbox based on the visitor’s latitude.
  • Longitude: The longitude rule shows the lightbox to visitors based on their longitude.
  • Metro Code: This rule shows the lightbox to visitors from a specified metro code.
  • Area Code: The area code rule shows the lightbox to visitors based on their area code.



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