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Smart Code Assist


Smart Code Assist is a type-ahead feature that makes it easier to write Smarty within your data transformations. Once you type the { character, a list of methods will display, and you can choose one to populate your script.

Enable Smart Code Assist

1. To enable this feature in your account, click on Profile Settings in the upper right corner of your screen.

2. Click the Edit button in the Auto Complete Preference pane.

3. Click the radio button to Enable Smart Code Assist.

Modify configuration

You can modify the configuration by changing the JSON. Here is one example of how you could replace the method getEventRecords.

        "snippet": "{\\$events.eventName = 'browse'}\n{\\$events.newerThan = ''}\n{\\$ = []}\n{\\$events.limit = 2}\n{\\$events.sort = []}\n{\\$ = \\$utils->getEventRecords(\\$events.eventName, \\$events.newerThan, \\$, \\$events.limit, \\$events.sort)}\n\n<h2>Debug events</h2>\n{\\$utils->jsonPrettyPrint(\\$events)}\n",
        "description": "Data stored within the contact activities collection can be referenced and used within any message body.",
        "name": "$utils->getEventRecords",
        "value": "{$utils->getEventRecords}",
        "parameters": [
                "name": "eventName",
                "description": "The name of the event stored in the contactactivities collection.",
                "required": "*",
                "expected": "String",
                "defaultValue": ""
                "name": "newerThan",
                "description": "Filters the event records returned based on the timestamp of the events.",
                "required": "",
                "expected": "String",
                "defaultValue": ""
                "name": "properties",
                "description": "Filters the event records returned based on a matching property value(s).",
                "required": "",
                "expected": "Array",
                "defaultValue": ""
                "name": "limit",
                "description": "Maximum number of records returned.",
                "required": "",
                "expected": "Integer",
                "defaultValue": ""
                "name": "sort",
                "description": "Sort order of the returned records.",
                "required": "",
                "expected": "Array",
                "defaultValue": ""

Use Smart Code Assist in a data transformation

1. When configuring your data transformation, click Edit in the Data Transformation pane.

2. Type { into the script pane to access a list of Smarty utilities you can use in your transformation.



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