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Audience Trends export API


The Audience Trends export resource creates an export job to download and store a file of audience trends data from the Cordial database. This endpoint is only available in the v2 API. 

  • API set name: audiencetrendsexport

Additional information

  • This resource uses the JSON request information to define the target host location of the file, the transport protocol, the external host log in authentication information and the fields to include in the file.
  • It is important to note that this resource is not a collection of exports, but is a resource that initiates export processing by creating an export job.
  • Export status information is available through the jobs resource. You can access the Jobs page from the Cordial UI.
  • Export supports file type CSV.
  • Export files in the UI will be stored for 30 days from the date of the export.


Cordial's core APIs use HTTPS Basic Authentication (BA). From within the Cordial platform, you can generate an encoded API key for your account and use it for authorization.

Methods, parameters, and examples


Method URL Path
POST /v2/audiencetrendsexport
Creates an export job using the JSON body information.
  • * Required

    Parameter Type Description Example
    name string Defines the export file name. The name may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes. myfilename
    exportType string Defines the type of file or report. Only csv is supported. csv

    * destination

    Note: This parameter is only required if SFTP, FTP, S3, or Google Cloud Storage (GCS) is used as the destination. Destination type aws should be used if the file is to be downloaded via the UI.

    destination.type string Defines the destination type.
    Possible Values:



    (required if type is FTP or SFTP)

    string Domain or IP address of the FTP/SFTP server.
    (required if type is FTP or SFTP)
    string Defines the username for FTP or SFTP authentication. username
    (required if type is FTP or SFTP)
    string Defines the password for FTP or SFTP authentication. password

    (if using SFTP public key authentication instead of password)

    string SFTP public key authentication key name. myKeyName
    (required if type is FTP or SFTP)
    number Defines the port number for the FTP or SFTP server. 22


    (required if type is S3)
    string Defines the public AWS access key ID. A1234567890
    (required if type is S3)
    string Defines the secret AWS access key. B1234567890
    (required if type is S3)
    string Defines the AWS bucket name. bucketname
    (required if type is S3)
    string Defines the AWS region. us-west-2
    destination.path string If type is S3: path to folder and file. If type is FTP, SFTP, or GCS: path to folder. S3: /folder/contactsExport.csv, FTP: /folder, GCS: /folder

    Google Cloud Storage

    destination.gcs_bucket string Defines the GCS bucket name. bucketname
    selected_timeframe_start date Defines the export timeframe start day. 2021-08-17

    Additional fields

    selected_timeframe_end date Defines the export timeframe end day. 2021-08-20
    audiences array Array of string audience names. Defines the audiences for which to export trends. ["opened_last_30_days", "clicked_last_30_days", "purchased_last_30_days"]
  • UI

    The following will initiate an export job of a CSV file containing a column for each day in the selected timeframe and a row for each audience in the audiences array. The file will be downloadable via the UI on the Jobs page.

      "name": "audiencetrends",
      "exportType": "csv",
      "destination": {
        "type": "aws"
      "selected_timeframe_start": "2025-07-16",
      "selected_timeframe_end": "2025-08-16",
      "audiences": [


    The following will initiate an export job of a CSV file via SFTP containing a column for each day in the selected timeframe and a row for each audience in the audiences array. 

        "name": "audiencetrends",
        "exportType": "csv",
        "destination": {
            "type": "sftp",
            "server": "",
            "port": "21",
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "path": "/"
        "selected_timeframe_start": "2021-07-16",
        "selected_timeframe_end": "2021-08-16",
        "audiences": [

    Amazon S3

    The following will initiate an export job of CSV file via Amazon S3. In this example, the file will be uploaded to s3://my_bucket/folder. The file will contain a column for each day in the selected timeframe and a row for each audience in the audiences array. 

      "name": "audiencetrends",
      "exportType": "csv",
      "destination": {
        "type": "s3",
        "aws_access_key_id": "A1234567890",
        "aws_secret_access_key": "B1234567890",
        "aws_bucket": "my_bucket",
        "aws_region": "us-west-2",
        "path": "folder"
      "selected_timeframe_start": "2021-07-16",
        "selected_timeframe_end": "2021-08-16",
        "audiences": [

    We recommend omitting the trailing slash right after your S3 path name to avoid duplicate slashes being added by default. For example, use folder instead of /folder/.

    Google Cloud Storage

    The following will initiate an export job of a CSV file via Google Cloud Storage (GCS).  The file will contain a column for each day in the selected timeframe and a row for each audience in the audiences array. 

    Your Google Cloud Storage integration must be enabled.

        "name": "audiencetrends",
        "exportType": "csv",
        "destination": {
            "type": "gcs",
            "gcs_bucket": "bucketname",
            "path": "/audiencetrendsexport"
        "selected_timeframe_start": "2025-07-16",
        "selected_timeframe_end": "2025-08-16",
        "audiences": [
  • The following URL in conjunction with the JSON will perform the POST.


Test in Swagger

You can access and test Cordial's APIs in Swagger.

Error responses

The Cordial API will return an error object with an errorKey and message if there is a problem with an API call. You can find common errors on the Global API Error Responses page.



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