With the Kickbox integration, you can test, monitor, and optimize your email programs to reach more subscribers and increase your ROI.
Integrate Kickbox with Cordial
1. From the Kickbox dashboard, navigate to Integrations and select Add Integration.
2. Select Cordial from the list.
3. In the Connect to Cordial pane, enter your API key.
4. To find your API key, open a second tab and navigate to your Cordial account. From the dropdown menu in the top right, select API Keys.
5. Create a new API key name and set the IP Address to
6. Enter your API key in the Connect to Cordial pane and select Add Integration.
7. This integration relies on list importation for validation.
- You can explore different ways to add users to a list with Cordial here.
- You can also add users to a list via an audience using a recurring data job. Contact your Cordial Customer Support Specialist for more information on this method.
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