Cordial seamlessly connects to mParticle, empowering you to get the most out of your data. With our bi-directional integration, you can easily stream all of your data in and out of Cordial in real time.
mParticle streams Cordial's real-time contact, behavioral, and eCommerce event data from brand properties, also providing audiences and profile enrichment. Cordial uses mParticle’s data—combined with other business data—to quickly build compelling messaging and create meaningful engagement across channels.
You can learn how to send data from Cordial to mParticle here.
Enable mParticle as a source
To send data from mParticle to Cordial, you need to enable mParticle as a source.
1. Log in to Cordial and navigate to Integrations > Partners.
2. Locate the mParticle card and click Enable.
Configure identifiers
1. To configure identifier mapping for inbound and outbound data, click Configure in the Identifier Mapping pane.
2. Select the mParticle Identifier you want to use, which can be either customer ID or email, and the corresponding Cordial Identifier (customer ID).
3. Click Continue.
Configure attributes
1. To configure attributes between Cordial and mParticle, select Edit in the Attribute Mapping pane.
2. Select the attributes you want to pass to mParticle from the Outbound Attributes dropdown.
3. Map mParticle keys to your Cordial attributes using the Select mParticle Attribute and Select Cordial Attribute dropdowns.
4. Click Continue.
Scriptable API
Our scriptable API offers asynchronous methods for sending data from mParticle to Cordial. This allows you to stream data, send multiple API requests at the same time, and have more precise control over how Cordial interacts with mParticle.
You can use Swagger to access and test our scriptable API offerings. In order to do so, you'll need an API key.
Supported actions
- POST/mparticle/moduleRegistration
- POST/mparticle/eventProcessing
- POST/mparticle/audienceMembershipChange
- POST/mparticle/audienceSubscription
Method | URI path |
mparticle/moduleRegistration |
Update module registration status in real time. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example *type string
Type of registration update. See example request.
*id string Customer ID. See example request. *timestamp_ms number Time of request. See example request. *firehose_version string Version of firehose used. See example request. -
"type": "module_registration_request", "id": "e91ec0c6-69f3-4dae-b1a1-b0c29f27ba6e", "timestamp_ms": 1644244051358, "firehose_version": "2.8.0" }
Method | URI path |
mparticle/eventProcessing |
Process events in real time. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example *type string
Type of event request to process. See example request.
*id string Customer ID. See example request. *timestamp_ms number Time of request. See example request. *fireshose_version string Version of firehose used. See example request. source_id string Unique source identification. See example request. account object Account ID and settings. Schema:
- account_id
- account_settings
- string
- boolean
- number
- apiKey
See example request. partner_identities array Partner identification properties. Schema:
- type
- encoding
- value
See example request. user_identities object User identities across platforms. Schema:
- type
- encoding
- value
See example request. user_attributes array Contact attributes. Example schema:
- $City
- $FirstName
- $Country
- $State
- $Zip
- $Gender
- $LastName
See example request. runtime_environment object Device information. See example request. events object Specific event details including type, id, timestamp, source, name, etc. See example request. mpid string mParticle ID. See example request. -
{ "type": "event_processing_request", "id": "e4d2dc7d-6970-4149-9ed7-9ac32022668b", "timestamp_ms": 1644244051356, "firehose_version": "2.8.0", "source_id": "a2037396-6b0a-4182-961d-0c058b405786", "account": { "account_id": 123456, "account_settings": { "Example String Setting": "Example Setting Value", "Example Boolean Setting": "false", "Example Integer Setting": "123", "apiKey": "sample API Key" } }, "partner_identities": [ { "type": "a_partner_id", "encoding": "raw", "value": "partnerId" } ], "user_identities": [ { "type": "email", "encoding": "md5", "value": "e179e95c00e7718ab4a23840f992ea63" }, { "type": "google", "encoding": "raw", "value": "1234567890" }, { "type": "facebook", "encoding": "raw", "value": "1234567890" }, { "type": "other", "encoding": "raw", "value": "1234567890" }, { "type": "customer", "encoding": "md5", "value": "4739c5c11d833bb199c16ff95a92b267" } ], "user_attributes": { "$City": "Boca Raton", "$FirstName": "Brian", "$Country": "USA", "$State": "FL", "$Zip": "33431", "$Gender": "M", "$LastName": "O'Brian" }, "runtime_environment": { "type": "android", "client_ip_address": "", "sdk_version": "6.12.1", "http_header_user_agent": "user-agent", "identities": [ { "type": "android_id", "encoding": "raw", "value": "a0504a8cfa15ce2c" }, { "type": "google_advertising_id", "encoding": "raw", "value": "31a22ef0-f119-48d4-b009-a217a26a862a" }, { "type": "google_cloud_messaging_token", "encoding": "raw", "value": "1234567890" } ], "build_id": "M4=rc20", "brand": "Samsung", "product": "Galaxy S3", "name": "My Galaxy S3", "manufacturer": "Samsung", "os_version": "4.1.1", "model": "Galaxy S3", "screen_height": 736, "screen_width": 1280, "screen_dpi": 160, "country": "US", "locale_language": "en", "locale_country": "en_US", "network_country": "US", "network_carrier": "Verizon", "network_code": "MobileNetworkCode", "network_mobile_country_code": "MobileCountryCode", "timezone_offset": -5, "timezone_name": "UTC-5", "is_tablet": false, "android_sdk_level": 0, "application_name": "App Name", "application_version": "1.2.001-dbg", "application_package": "com.mparticle.TravelApp", "install_referrer": "utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_term%3Drunning%252Bshoes%26utm_content%3Dlogolink%26utm_campaign%3Dspring_sale" }, "events": [ { "type": "custom_event", "id": "6957b85a-b0df-4cce-8b26-b64d38eebaec", "timestamp_ms": 1644244051349, "source_id": "f0fb3db6-0b98-4135-931b-06c2b20aac9e", "session_id": 123456789, "location": { "latitude": 47.6062, "longitude": 122.3231, "accuracy": 0 }, "name": "customEvent", "custom_event_type": "other", "attributes": { "event_attribute": "value" } }, { "type": "product_action", "id": "aa3dfffd-6906-4097-b23c-f04881d3c31d", "timestamp_ms": 1644244051349, "source_id": "920c59b9-e722-4e36-a8a8-3f60857aa98b", "session_id": 123456789, "action": "add_to_cart", "transaction_id": "transactionId", "total_amount": 11, "tax_amount": 1, "shipping_amount": 0, "currency_code": "USD", "coupon_code": "coupon", "products": [ { "id": "id", "name": "name", "brand": "brand", "category": "category", "variant": "variant", "position": 1, "price": 10, "quantity": 1, "total_amount": 10 } ], "attributes": { "event_attribute": "value" } } ], "source_channel": "native", "device_application_stamp": "33ebfefa-bf9e-485f-8a03-e8149da91f1d", "consent_state": { "gdpr_consent_state": { "consentPurpose": { "consented": true, "document": "document", "timestamp_unixtime_ms": 1644244051349, "location": "location", "hardware_id": "hardware id" } }, "ccpa_consent_state": { "data_sale_opt_out": { "consented": true, "document": "document", "timestamp_unixtime_ms": 1644244051349, "location": "location", "hardware_id": "hardware id" } } }, "system_notifications": [ { "type": "gdpr_consent_state", "purpose": "consentPurpose", "old_gdpr_consent_state": { "consented": false, "document": "document", "timestamp_unixtime_ms": 1644244051349, "location": "location", "hardware_id": "hardware id" }, "new_gdpr_consent_state": { "consented": true, "document": "document", "timestamp_unixtime_ms": 1644244051349, "location": "location", "hardware_id": "hardware id" } }, { "type": "ccpa_consent_state", "purpose": "data_sale_opt_out", "old_ccpa_consent_state": { "consented": false, "document": "document", "timestamp_unixtime_ms": 1644244051349, "location": "location", "hardware_id": "hardware id" }, "new_ccpa_consent_state": { "consented": true, "document": "document", "timestamp_unixtime_ms": 1644244051349, "location": "location", "hardware_id": "hardware id" } } ], "mpid": "12345" }
Method | URI path |
mparticle/audienceMembershipChange |
Change contacts' audience membership status in real time. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example *type string
Type of membership update to process. See example request.
*id string Customer ID. See example request. *timestamp_ms number Time of update. See example request. *fireshose_version string Version of firehose used. See example request. account object Account ID and settings. Schema:
- account_id
- account_settings
- string
- boolean
- integer
See example request. user_profiles object Contact information, including audience membership status and device ID. Example schema:
- user_identities
- device_identities
- partner_identities
- audiences
See example request. -
{ "type": "audience_membership_change_request", "id": "9d76a904-b5cf-4eb1-b8b5-ae8302d3f4fc", "timestamp_ms": 1644244051343, "firehose_version": "2.8.0", "account": { "account_id": 123456, "account_settings": { "Example String Setting": "Example Setting Value", "Example Boolean Setting": "false", "Example Integer Setting": "123" } }, "user_profiles": [ { "user_identities": [ { "type": "email", "encoding": "md5", "value": "e179e95c00e7718ab4a23840f992ea63" }, { "type": "customer", "encoding": "md5", "value": "4739c5c11d833bb199c16ff95a92b267" } ], "device_identities": [ { "type": "ios_advertising_id", "encoding": "raw", "value": "66b728c2-f9a4-4d87-82ef-ce07414fe3f7" }, { "type": "ios_vendor_id", "encoding": "raw", "value": "97b826c2-ab80-4876-a184-db36cc39b1ee" }, { "type": "google_advertising_id", "encoding": "raw", "value": "31a22ef0-f119-48d4-b009-a217a26a862a" }, { "type": "android_id", "encoding": "raw", "value": "a0504a8cfa15ce2c" } ], "partner_identities": [ { "type": "partner_id", "encoding": "raw", "value": "partnerId" } ], "audiences": [ { "audience_id": 456, "audience_name": "Example Audience Name", "audience_subscription_settings": { "Example Audience-specific setting": "Example Value" }, "action": "add" }, { "audience_id": 789, "audience_name": "Example Audience Name 2", "audience_subscription_settings": { "Example Audience-specific setting": "Example Value 2" }, "action": "attribute_update", "user_attributes": [ { "key": "Some Key", "value": "9999999", "action": "upsert" }, { "key": "Churned", "action": "delete" }, [] ] }, { "audience_id": 654, "audience_name": "Example Audience Name 4", "audience_subscription_settings": { "Example Audience-specific setting": "Example Value 4" }, "action": "delete" } ], "mpid": "12345" } ] }
Method | URI path |
mparticle/audienceSubscription |
Change contacts' subscription status in real time. |
* Required
Parameters Type Description Example *type string
Type of membership update to process. See example request.
*id string Customer ID. See example request. *timestamp_ms number Time of update. See example request. *fireshose_version string Version of firehose used. See example request. account object Account ID and settings. Schema:
- account_id
- account_settings
- string
- boolean
- integer
- apiKey
See example request. audience_id integer Audience ID. See example request. audience_name string Name of audience. See example request. action string Subscription action, such as add. See example request. -
{ "type": "audience_subscription_request", "id": "8c820e89-3e34-48c7-affc-7bd87f7a1e28", "timestamp_ms": 1644244051347, "firehose_version": "2.8.0", "account": { "account_id": 123456, "account_settings": { "Example String Setting": "Example Setting Value", "Example Boolean Setting": "false", "Example Integer Setting": "123", "apiKey": "sample API Key" } }, "audience_id": 1234, "audience_name": "New Users Low Engagement", "action": "add" }
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