In batch messages, you can create subject line and body (message content) experiments. Testing your subject lines and message content should be a crucial part of your marketing strategy as message engagement can greatly affect your ROI as well as your sending reputation.
Cordial provides an easy way to test content in batch messages using split tests. We call them experiments. Experiments are more powerful than traditional A/B tests because they allow testing of multiple variants with or without a champion. Split tests without a champion also allow for a control variant.
The method of determining the champion is a probabilistic evaluation of the conversion metric.
Conversion metrics
Cordial allows testing of multiple conversion metrics.
Conversion metric | Description |
Unique opens | The metric is calculated by measuring the total unique opens for the message. Ideal for testing subject lines. |
Unique clicks | The metric is calculated by measuring the total unique clicks for the message. |
Revenue to sent | The metric is calculated by dividing the total revenue attributed to the message by the total number of messages sent. |
Order to sent | The metric is calculated by dividing the total number of orders attributed to the message by the total number of messages sent. |
Revenue to click | The metric is calculated by dividing the total revenue attributed to the message by the total number of unique clicks. |
Order to click | The metric is calculated by dividing the total number of orders attributed to the message by the total number of unique clicks. |
Complaints rate | This metric is calculated by dividing the total number of complaints by the total number of messages sent. |
Opt out rate | This metric is calculated by dividing the total number of opt out events by the total number of messages sent. |
Future enhancements will include other KPIs such as custom conversion events.
Experiments may be placed in the subject line (via the UI) or message body (using Smarty).
Use multiple experiments in the same message
Multiple experiments may be run concurrently in batch messages, but they must use the same testing strategy and populations (ex: strategy="split" or strategy="split-with-champion").
This is true for messages that contain a subject line experiment and a body experiment or messages that contain multiple body experiments.
- If you set your subject line experiment to "split with champion" your body experiment must also use the same strategy and populations.
- If you set a body experiment to "split with champion", additional body experiments must also use the same strategy and populations.
Each experiment is evaluated uniquely and are not connected in any way. There is not a way to ensure a particular subject line variant gets delivered with a particular body experiment variant.
Experiments may not be compatible with inbox placement tests and message throttling.
In the next article, you can learn about subject line experiments in batch messages.
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