Cordial offers a variety of useful link functions for use in messages. These functions include:
- Optout link: an unsubscribe link that is added automatically to each message.
- Adding tags to links: allows you to tag links for searching and audience building.
- Naming a tracked link: a "friendly name" for links that display in analytics reports.
- Link appends (using Smarty or via UI): adding a query string to links.
- Link appends by content section: add appends to links in specific sections of your message.
- Adding a contact to a list: changes list association when clicking a link.
- Updating a contact attribute: changes a contact attribute when clicking as link.
- Disable link tracking: turns off link tracking for an individual link in a message.
To avoid redirect errors, please always use a protocol (http:// or https://) in links.
Link tracking is supported for telephone links using the tel:
and sms:
In the next article, you can learn about the optout link.
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